My Confession

I confess. I am a multipotentialite. It’s a thing. Really. My very own superpower. Three superpowers. According to Emilile Wapnick in her Ted Talk I am a “Renaissance person…an individual with many interests and creative pursuits and I pursue them, either sequentially or simultaneously (or both).”  Sounds exhausting but it’s invigorating. And I love coffee so there’s a mystery solved.

What are my superpowers besides the ability to drink copious amounts of caffeine? Wapnick states (and I agree) that my three superpowers are:

  1. Idea Synthesis – As defined by Steve Jobs it is “innovation that happens when two or more fields collide.” Multipotentialites like myself are great at seeing patterns and connections because of our varied interests. From that innovation comes solutions and great ideas!
  2. Rapid Learning – This is my favorite of the superpowers. I am very curious and so learning a new skill, a new job in a whole new field is my idea of fun. I love the challenge of it. I will study until I’m good at it. Until I know it. It’s my zone. And because of this, I learn things quickly.
  3. Adaptability – It is the prerequisite superpower if you’re a multipotentialite. You must have the ability to change according to need and circumstance. This makes me a strong leader who motivates their team to embrace the challenges we face. It enables me to take chances, to face those things that might intimidate a timid soul.

You might think that I would hop from job to job, place to place, never settling but you’d be wrong. I have been in my current position at Liberal Development for 7 years. I’ve built them a website along with the content which increased their sales by 25%. I organized their records, including the old records that were stored on index cards. I built a database for this record system. Changed their pricing structure and their delivery methods improving profitability and closing.

I am a writer, a poet, a storyteller. A fantastic manager, a strong team leader, an expert in customer service with strong sales ability. I’m also a website designer. A tutor. An artist. I volunteered for a while with Robinson’s Rescue and Common Ground. I am an avid reader who owns a ridiculous number of books. I am an active member of 4 book clubs as well as the Shreveport Writer’s Club.

My name is Shanna Dodd, and I am a multipotentialite.